Freezing my very own Easter eggs in Portugal

Freezing my very own Easter eggs in Portugal

In which I talk about my very own internal and more affordable egg hunt. Open for 90% of all the thoughts I’ve ever had about my ovaries.

The only eggs I hunted for Easter this season were in me all along. Nearly 30 years together, but alas all things must end. Cold-take: freezing eggs in the United States is way too expensive. Being an aunt is an absolute delight, but I'm still on the fence about becoming a parent myself. Freezing my eggs was something that I've been mulling over for years, and then once I heard the price in Portugal I figured it was now or never. Plus, I like that I can ignore the tick-tock of my biological clock in the background as I navigate...
Questions to ask yourself while searching for a therapist

Questions to ask yourself while searching for a therapist

In which I outline a few questions to ask yourself when evaluating a therapist. Open for years of therapy searching distilled into one post.

As May is mental health month, there is no better time to talk about the noble and sometimes arduous quest for therapy. But first, a couple notes: It often takes a couple of sessions to accurately assess your therapist. A therapist is not a replacement for community or societal change Over the last decade, I’ve had eight therapists. Most of my switches were because of external factors (moves, job changes), but I’ve also had therapists that just weren’t a good fit. My trials gave me quite a bit of insight on what to look for in a therapist. Everyone is...
Sustainable steps to a smaller footprint

Sustainable steps to a smaller footprint

In which I detail some of the ways I try to be more sustainable. Open for inspiration on how to celebrate Earth year round!

This Earth Day, I wanted to take the time to talk about sustainable swaps for a reduced carbon footprint — but first, a note: Individual action is not enough to reduce climate disruption, and in fact addressing climate disruption is almost entirely a top-down matter. There is no ethical consumption, but some options are greener than others. Consumption is impossible to avoid at this point, but we can always be better. Becoming more aware of your carbon footprint is beneficial in so many ways. You can feel a tad better about yourself, reduce your spending, and increase your creativity! As...
The value in writing, even when you’re a “bad” writer

The value in writing, even when you’re a “bad” writer

In which I talk about the value of writing. Open for a reminder on why you should pickup a pen.

Writing is hard. Anyone who says otherwise is either blindly confident or has never tried. There are a plethora of benefits to writing, regardless of whether you consider yourself a writer. Going through the writing process stands to benefit not only the writing itself, but other facets of life as well. The only way out of your thoughts is through them. This is one of the benefits of meditation as well. Allowing your thoughts to flow through you underpins many of the methods of mindfulness. And it makes sense—have you ever tried to make yourself stop thinking of something? At...
Dopamine detox review (in quarantine!)

Dopamine detox review (in quarantine!)

In which I reflect on a “dopamine detox” I trialed in quarantine. Open to find out what that means.

Quarantine has been killing me, I won't lie. My motivation, focus, and energy suffered huge losses in the first couple of weeks. Fortunately for me, I had a week off scheduled about a month in, and I was able to still take that time off and relax. During my relaxation, I squeezed in a day where I did a dopamine detox, outlined in this video. I have to be honest, turning off my phone the night before lasted literally 10 min. I decided to scroll through social media before bed at the last minute, and fully disconnect in the morning....
Healthy meal prepping on a budget

Healthy meal prepping on a budget

In which I talk about my low-cost meal prepping days. Open for tips on how to start prepping healthy meals.

Happy New Year! Meal prepping is one of those things that was thrust upon me as I cut costs to afford my apartment with a view of Lake Michigan, but I will carry with me forever. There is nothing better that the fruits of your own labor, especially when you know your way decently around a spice cabinet. In general, I try to follow a few basic principles around food: All meals are one protein (~25+g), one carb, and one veggie Snacks: fruits/yogurts/seeds/nuts/string cheese Drink water before and during meal Season liberally and be satisfied Even though I have the...
How to start long distance running

How to start long distance running

In which I outline step-by-step how to start running long distance. Open if you want to run into the horizon.

Disclaimer: I am not a professional, I'm not fast, and I still make mistakes. But I like running and I'm fairly decent at it, especially pacing myself. Also, it's free and you can do it anywhere. I hope this helped you, and please reach out or leave a comment if you have questions! I've done a ton of research. You can find the original Instagram story at the bottom of the post and in my highlights! PLAN: Choose a plan to follow custom to your goals. Without a goal, it can be seriously tough to maintain motivation. Goals can be...