How to get a guaranteed* 10% annual return on your money

How to get a guaranteed* 10% annual return on your money

In which I break down cryptocurrency. Open to find resources about crypto and how you can get in on the action.

PLEASE NOTE: With Celsius filing Chapter 11 (technically not) bankruptcy as of July 2022, I no longer endorse holding funds with them. To be completely honest, while I believe in decentralization, I have more concerns with the current state of cryptocurrency. By now, many of us have heard of the high yield savings accounts (HYSA) with pre-COVID rates of up to 2%. At a certain point, I realized I had hit my savings goals and wanted more low-risk investments, and stumbled upon Celsius Network. The appeal comes with understanding of cryptocurrency, stablecoins, and traditional banking profit models. In this post,...
In defense of the rhyming poem

In defense of the rhyming poem

In which I defend the rhyming poem. Open for salient points towards something that most people never think about.

Many today will shit on rhyme schemesPerhaps now it’s the cool thing to do But different are all our thoughts and daydreams And how we choose to express them too There are merits to this limit you see For otherwise I would write all day With no form comes added difficulty In finding and choosing which words to say Of course we can write however we want And are free to express ourselves to our liking Yet a rhyme scheme now can invite cruel taunts And critique rooted in stereotyping But rhymes are essential to many arts At least in...
Keeping up with my cash flow

Keeping up with my cash flow

In which I detail the multi-layered financial system I built for myself that makes my money work for me. Open for financial recs!

Talking about finances is still somewhat taboo for normal folk, and I really need it to not be. Dealing with and optimizing money is hard to learn on your own, and at this point there is never a shortage of people telling you what to do with your money. So, I’m not gonna really focus on that, but more keeping track of where your money is and goes. First up…. BUDGETING Tracking spending is probably the hardest part about cash flow. Sometimes it seems like  even breathing costs money (which if you’re doing it in your own place, it kind of does.)...