How to travel on a budget

How to travel on a budget

In which I recount my tips for traveling on the low. Open for ways to cut costs on the road.

If one thing in life keeps me going, it's travel. The sights, sounds, and tastes of different cultures energizes me. From eating in churrascos in Buenos Aires to breaking Ramadan fast in Turkey to bungee jumping off the Auckland Harbor Bridge, I live for all the world has to offer. Even and especially when it scares me. Flights Working for an airline, as I did in 2018, is the best way to get cheap flights. For the rest of us plebians, we must find deals. My favorite methodology to find cheap flights to a destination is as follows: Check which...
Healthy meal prepping on a budget

Healthy meal prepping on a budget

In which I talk about my low-cost meal prepping days. Open for tips on how to start prepping healthy meals.

Happy New Year! Meal prepping is one of those things that was thrust upon me as I cut costs to afford my apartment with a view of Lake Michigan, but I will carry with me forever. There is nothing better that the fruits of your own labor, especially when you know your way decently around a spice cabinet. In general, I try to follow a few basic principles around food: All meals are one protein (~25+g), one carb, and one veggie Snacks: fruits/yogurts/seeds/nuts/string cheese Drink water before and during meal Season liberally and be satisfied Even though I have the...